UC Los Angeles

California Vehicle Code Section 40215 allows for the ability to contest a parking citation, provided the citation was issued in error. The following instructions must be followed in order to contest. 1st Level – Administrative Review You can contest the citation within 21 days of the issue date of your citation. A "Notice of Parking Violation" will be mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle and must be paid or contested within 14 days of the date on the notice. You do not need to pay your citation at this time if you file your appeal by the above deadlines. If you pay your citation during the Administrative Review Process, and are found not liable, any amount paid will be refunded to you at the mailing address listed on your appeal request. You may request an Administrative Review by following the instructions below: 1. To submit an appeal online, Click Here to return to the main page. Enter your citation number and press SEARCH. Click on CONTEST ONLINE and the appeal form will appear (If no link is present you are past your appeal date and can no longer contest). 2. When submitting the appeal: - Provide current contact information including your full mailing address. Appeal results will be mailed to this address, so make certain this information is complete and correct. Do not use a UCLA campus address unless you reside in the dorms. - List your citation number (or the number on your reminder notice if applicable). - Indicate the reason or reasons you feel your citation was issued in error. - Include copies of supporting documentation (do not send originals) to support your claim. 3. Appeal results will be mailed within 30 days from the date the appeal was submitted. If you have not received your results within 30 days, contact the Citation Review Office at (310) 825-2029. 4. If you need to provide additional supporting documentation after you have submitted your appeal, please mail it us, bring it into our office or fax it to (310) 206-9601 within 3 business days after your appeal submission. Last day to pay or appeal? Please appeal or pay ONLINE at or have your letter postmarked at the US Post Office. We also have a drop box located outside of our lobby at 555 Westwood Plaza, Suite 100. REASONS NOT CONSIDERED FOR APPEAL 1. Lack of knowledge of parking rules and regulations. 2. Financial hardship. 3. Failure to see/read signage. 4. Failure to locate parking spaces. 5. Parking or stopping for a short period of time. 6. Expired time in visitor area. 7. Failure to display permit. 8. The 21-day or 14 days of the date of the reminder notice has expired.
2nd Level – Administrative Hearing If you are dissatisfied with the results of the Administrative Review and have been found liable, you may request an Administrative Hearing. The amount of the citation must be paid by your due date in order to contest your citation at this level. Click here to return to the payment screen. To learn more about and request an Administrative Hearing click here (Administrative Hearing - Narrative form information and Hearing request form). Administrative Hearing Interpreter Services: If you require an interpreter or special services; UCLA will provide this independent service at no cost to you.  When requesting your hearing please identify the need for an interpreter, the language spoken or any special needs service required.  Your hearing will be scheduled once we acquire these services. Fee Waiver of Parking Citations: If you are requesting an Administrative Hearing but are unable to pay the fines due to extreme financial hardship (financial support documentation is required) you may qualify for a FEE WAIVER. Click here for the Fee Waiver form and more information on whether you qualify. You may only file a "Fee Waiver Request Form" if your citation has been denied at the 1st level review process. Financial Hardship is not an acceptable defense for dismissing a citation. The Fee Waiver provision ensures that a person's inability to pay would not preclude their right to a hearing: however, if the Administrative Hearing Officer determines that the contestant is liable for the penalty, the payment would be required within 10 days of the Administrative Hearing Examiner's decision.
The Fee Waiver Request Form must be completed with required supporting documentation. Failure to do so will result in an automatic denial of application.
This information must be submitted within 21 days of the date of your Administrative Review letter (Hearing Due date or payment date). If your proof is accepted, a hearing will be scheduled and you will be notified by mail. If it is not accepted you will be notified by mail of the decision and a new due date will be assigned to you to pay the fine and to request a hearing. If you are subsequently found liable at the hearing, the total amount of the parking citation must be paid. You may submit the completed Hearing Request form and/or Fee Waiver Request form by Mail to: UCLA Citation Review Office OR FAX: 310-206-9601 555 Westwood Plaza, Suite 100 Los Angeles, Ca 90095-1360
3rd Level – Civil Appeal California Vehicle Code Section 40230(a) allows for the ability to file a civil appeal for a parking citation if you are dissatisfied with the results of your Administrative Hearing. You may not request a Civil Appeal unless you have received a Result of Administrative Hearing and have been found liable. The following instructions must be followed in order to file a Civil Appeal: 1. If your citation remains unpaid due to a previous request for a waiver of the penalty, you must pay your citation in full to the issuing agency prior to filing a Civil Appeal. 2. The Civil Appeal must be filed within 30 calendar days of the mailing of the issuing agency’s final decision. 3. Upon filing a Civil Appeal, you will be required to pay a filing fee of $25 to the court. If you are found not liable during the Civil Appeal process, any amount paid will be refunded (including the $25 filing fee). Civil Appeals may be filed at:
Los Angeles Superior Court Stanley Mosk Court House 111 North Hill Street Room 112 Los Angeles, CA 90012


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